We look forward to seeing you in 2025!

About Us

We started coming to This Spot, as a couple, over 30 years ago, when we were both 19.
Swimming, relaxing and gathering memories and new stories, on every visit. 12 years ago we pulled out of Vancouver and relocated to this very spot.
The property has been in Kevin’s family for over 35 years and over the past several years, Kevin has updated this California midcentury modern property into a natural oasis for the enjoyment of our own family and our guests from around the world.
3 Family weddings and many, many celebrations later, we hope you enjoy this magical BC spot as much as we do.
We have been enjoying this location and all its offerings of nature and recreation for 3 generations, now to be 4, with the recent arrival of our first grandchild.
There is a small, private suite off the main house, where we live, with separate access. 
We look forward to welcoming you.

-Natrisha & Kevin

"Paul Lake has always been our special spot to enjoy nature and life"

Kevin and I at Paul lake

33 Years later in the same spot

Take a step deeper into BC this year.

The Spot contains all the elements to enjoy a day out with your small group

2276 Paul Lake, B.C.

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